Being MJ
Founder, Being Method

I’m MJ Renshaw and I’m an energy healer, a medium, a breathwork facilitator, and the founder of The Being Method. I left my career of being an Osteopath to chase after my dreams of blending science and spirituality into a course. I wanted everyone to know all the amazing overlaps I had found between science and spirituality. I truly believe everyone is here to live their authentic lives. One of my biggest passions and goals is to inspire everyone to follow their dreams! Our lives are so short!

Following the principles in The Being Method helped my start my multiple six figure business, accumulate passive income so I could mother and travel while still earning, meet and keep the man of my dreams, end generational trauma to raise health babies, and live a truly abundant life. I promise, If I can do it anyone can do it. Year after year we have students enter the course and massively up-level their lives. We’ve seen so many transformations now it’s hard to even keep track!